Hey everybody, its been a while since we’ve checked in but things have been moving fast in the F5 camp! We have a whole lot of exciting things happening right now! We are excited to announce that we have found a new bass player and we are excited for the future of Formula 5! WeContinue Reading
New Album in the Works, Winter Dates and more!
Its been awhile since we’ve had an update on this here website! We assure you things are going well here in Formula 5 camp! We recently went into the studio to record our follow up effort to our debut self titled album “Formula 5”. We are currently working on some additional tracking and hopefully willContinue Reading
Bellstock, Pondfest, The Big Up and more!
Hey there all you Formula freaks! Its been awhile since our last transmission! We’ve got alot of awesome things coming up this summer and fall for you including appearances at Bellstock, Backwoods Pondfest, and The Big Up music festivals! We’ve also got dates in Rhode Island, Troy, Albany, Lake Placid, Rochester and more! Check ourContinue Reading
Album Release Party, Spring Tour, Festival Announcements!
Photos by Chelsea Valente. Album Art by Mike McDonald. © Formula 5 2013. Whats shakin’ all you Formula 5 freaks?! It’s been awhile since we’ve had an update but things have been really heating up at Formula 5 HQ! Our album release is right around the corner (Sat March 2nd at Red Square –Continue Reading